Any question? Have a read through some of our FAQs, we might have you covered or contact our support team for help.

As an agency, we receive calls and emails from clients looking for models. We provide them with a shortlist of models based upon their criteria. Once a client chooses a model, we negotiate all fees, including travel costs and contact you with the details.

Traveling is an essential part of modelling, but it depends on your location and far you are willing to travel. We aim to find you work within your chosen travel radius, which you set in your profile.

Most clients will pay for your travel. This include all public transport, such as train, tube, bus and taxi's but are not limited to. You can also claim fuel and parking if you are using your own vehicle. Some clients will pay for accomodation, whilst others will even cover flights.

No authentic agency would ever claim that work is guaranteed because it totally depends on the client’s selection and requirements and based on the profile of each model. As an agency we only accept applications that we believe have a high chance of securing work.

Most models start their careers with images taken by their parents. There is no obligation to provide professional photographs, but if you choose not to do so then you should be uploading high-quality pictures to the profile.

The agency earns commission on securing your child work. We retain 30% commission from all completed assignments.

Yes, of course, you should be working anywhere you want. Many of the successful models and actors are often associated with multiple agencies as it gives them more work and attention.

Not at all, only clients with verified accounts can view your child’s profile. Even then we only display relevant information to help the client make an informed decision on the right model to hire.

This is an impossible question to answer as each model's work rate is reliant upon many different factors, such as their age, look, location, travel distance, image standard or how often you update your images. A great deal depends on the look and age group the client requires for the job. But always remember some of our biggest stars are just normal children having fun and enjoying themselves.

We accept less than 20% of our daily applications, based upon location, age and appearance, and only accept children who we believe have the highest possible chance of finding work. Of the 20%, we work with around 8% of all applications as not everyone who makes an application is committed to take the next step.

Jobs can pay anything between £200-£500 for a 4 hour photoshoot to over a thousand pounds for a high profile advertising campaign. The budget for each job will be e-mailed to you along with the booking confirmation.

We must recommend you stay active by replying to any work-related emails and queries we send you. We also suggest you keep your childs profile up to date throughout the career. This can be monthly, quarterly, or yearly depending on the age of your child.

We work with babies and children of all ages. Our niche is totally based on hiring child talent only because of the high demand in the industry

The majority of work takes place between Monday to Friday.It is important that you keep us up to date with your unavailability throughout the year. Occasionally clients will hold auditions or shoots at the weekend so bear that in mind when giving us your unavailability. Castings and photo shoots can sometimes be very short notice, so you will need to be as flexible as possible. The average notice period is around 1-2 weeks, varying from client to client.

We offer a professional, committed service and have over 15 years experience in baby and child modelling. We have worked with thousands of clients and photographers over the years and have gained recognition as one of the industries leaders in finding baby and child models.

We do not charge representation fees or joining fees. All we ask you to pay is a one off fee of £70, which includes adding your child to our model portal, work licenses, work searches, casting calls, a test shoot and administration for work assignments for one year.